Castle Sanctuary (Yecla - Murcia)

Castle Sanctuary (Yecla)

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According to various authors, the Castle Sanctuary was originally a Mozarabic temple dating back to Visigoth times.

The primitive church was built in the second half of the 13th century, and that old church was consecrated to Our Lady of the Incarnation. This functioned as a parish until 1540, when the Blessed Sacrament was transferred to the Church of the Saviour.

The sanctuary was remodelled several times and in 1886 it was almost completely renovated. In the dressing room of this sanctuary rests the image of the Patroness Saint of Yecla, the “Virgen del Castillo”. Deserving of special mention are the mural paintings that adorn the sides of the presbytery and the transept.

Inside is the Mariano Museum "Virgen del Castillo". The building where the museum is located, next to the Castle Sanctuary, was used as a convent by the Franciscans.

In the museum's exhibition hall, there is a varied and interesting collection of objects related to the Patroness Saint Festivities, held in honour of the Immaculate Conception, which take place during the month of December.

Perhaps the most significant piece is the beautiful Virgin's carriage, which can be seen in the building's cloister.

  What to see in Yecla