Weather forecast

The weather in the Vega Media del Segura region

Friday, 14th of February 17:00 20:00 23:00
Fair Fair Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear
Temperature 22.8°C 16.7°C 11.6°C
Wind 8 Km/h 9 Km/h 1 Km/h
Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest
Humidity 30% 42% 59%
Saturday, 15th of February 2:00 5:00 8:00 11:00 14:00 17:00
Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Fair Fair Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
Temperature 8.7°C 8.1°C 7.4°C 15.1°C 21.7°C 19.9°C
Wind 6 Km/h 9 Km/h 8 Km/h 2 Km/h 10 Km/h 15 Km/h
West West West West West West Southwest Southwest Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast
Humidity 62% 68% 67% 49% 35% 41%
Sunday, 16th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
24.1°C Cloudy 24.1°C 8.2°C 7 km/h
West West
60% Sunrise: 7:57
Sunset: 18:42
22:42 - 09:38 Moonrise: 22:42
Moonset: 09:38
Monday, 17th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
21.6°C Fair 21.6°C 8.5°C 14 km/h
Southeast Southeast
54% Sunrise: 7:56
Sunset: 18:43
23:42 - 09:59 Moonrise: 23:42
Moonset: 09:59
Tuesday, 18th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
17.5°C Cloudy 17.5°C 7.4°C 18 km/h
Southeast Southeast
72% Sunrise: 7:54
Sunset: 18:44
---- - 10:22 Moonrise: ----
Moonset: 10:22
Wednesday, 19th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
17.9°C Mostly cloudy with rain showers 17.9°C 11°C 20 km/h
East East
78% Sunrise: 7:53
Sunset: 18:45
00:42 - 10:49 Moonrise: 00:42
Moonset: 10:49
Thursday, 20th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
19.2°C Partly cloudy 19.2°C 11.6°C 16 km/h
Southeast Southeast
67% Sunrise: 7:52
Sunset: 18:46
01:44 - 11:20 Moonrise: 01:44
Moonset: 11:20
Weather by
The Vega Media del Segura region maintains a fairly stable climate throughout the year. The best time for outdoor activities is from mid-June to the beginning of September.

The region is made up of five localities: Alguazas, Ceuti, Lorqui, Molina de Segura, and Las Torres de Cotillas. In general, the temperature is between 3°C and 35°C, with days with less than -2°C or over 38°C being very unusual.

The Vega Media del Segura region has a dry climate year-round. As in the entire Murcia area, the summers are hot, being able to reach 35°C on the hottest days. The minimum in this period usually never drops below 21°C.

In the Vega Media del Segura region, there is little cloudiness, so exposure to sunlight is continuous, with high risks of heatstroke at any time of the year.