Weather forecast

The weather in the Vega Alta del Segura region

Monday, 13th of January 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Fair Fair
Temperature 3.7°C 10.8°C 12.7°C 9.3°C 5.8°C
Wind 6 Km/h 3 Km/h 1 Km/h 3 Km/h 7 Km/h
Northwest Northwest West West South South South South Southeast Southeast
Humidity 57% 40% 28% 42% 56%
Tuesday, 14th of January 1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Clear Clear Fair Fair Clear Clear
Temperature 4.2°C 1.8°C 0.6°C 3°C
Wind 3 Km/h 5 Km/h 7 Km/h 10 Km/h
North North Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest
Humidity 73% 78% 89% 78%
Wednesday, 15th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
15°C Clear 15°C -0.9°C 10 km/h
Northwest Northwest
34% Sunrise: 8:22
Sunset: 18:07
19:51 - 09:39 Moonrise: 19:51
Moonset: 09:39
Thursday, 16th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
12.2°C Mostly cloudy 12.2°C 1.9°C 17 km/h
Northeast Northeast
51% Sunrise: 8:22
Sunset: 18:08
20:56 - 10:08 Moonrise: 20:56
Moonset: 10:08
Friday, 17th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
13°C Partly cloudy 13°C 6.4°C 20 km/h
Northeast Northeast
60% Sunrise: 8:21
Sunset: 18:09
21:58 - 10:32 Moonrise: 21:58
Moonset: 10:32
Saturday, 18th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
13°C Mostly cloudy 13°C 3.2°C 15 km/h
Northwest Northwest
64% Sunrise: 8:21
Sunset: 18:10
22:58 - 10:54 Moonrise: 22:58
Moonset: 10:54
Sunday, 19th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
13°C Cloudy 13°C 2.7°C 11 km/h
Southeast Southeast
70% Sunrise: 8:21
Sunset: 18:11
23:57 - 11:15 Moonrise: 23:57
Moonset: 11:15
Weather by
The Murcian region of the Vega Alta del Segura is made up of three localities: Abaran, Blanca and Cieza.

The climate throughout the year in the Vega Alta del Segura region is dry. Most of the time, the sky is clear; on average, only 70 days of the year have clouds.

Throughout the year, the temperature remains between 3ºC and 35°C, depending on the season. Rarely does the temperature drop below -2°C or rise above 38°C.

The summers are very hot; this period lasts for 2.9 months, with an average maximum temperature above 31°C. The hottest day of the year can reach highs of 35°C and lows of 20°C.

Winters in the Vega Alta del Segura region can be cold. In fact, on the coldest days of the year, the temperatures reach, on average, minimums of 3°C and maximums of 15°C.