The Immaculate Church (Molina de Segura - Murcia)

The Immaculate Church (Molina de Segura)

This church is located in the square that bears the same name, in the urban centre of Llano de Molina. Its construction was carried out in two phases. One was started in 1775 by José López, who was in charge of designing the plans; Jerónimo Ros would finish its construction in 1868.

To access the temple, the building has three facades: one located at the foot of the central nave, and another two lateral ones located at the end of the transept. The surface of the temple is shaped like a Latin cross and contains a dazzling hemispherical dome built with glazed tile in blue and white. It is also necessary to mention the outstanding altarpiece containing the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and a Christ kneeling at the foot of the cross.

From its exterior, one can see the bell tower that is divided into three sections: the lower one with almost no openings; the middle one, built in a brick neo-Romanesque style; and the upper one, which houses the bells.

  What to see in Molina de Segura