Lorca´s Alamedas

Lorca´s Alamedas

The Alamedas of Lorca are formed by paths that intersect and have large garden areas and rows of tall trees on each side. It is possible to find poplars, elms, plane trees, and other diverse specimens, along with rose bushes, sweet mock-oranges, lilacs, etc.

The Alamedas are the most outstanding green spaces in the city. Neighbours use them as a refuge during the summer, when the treetops create a tunnel of shade and greenery.

They were conceived during the 18th century to provide recreation and a pleasant stroll for the inhabitants of Lorca.

The set of Alamedas includes the following: Alameda Paco Rabal, Alameda de la Constitución, Alameda de los Tristes, Alameda del Corregidor Lapuente, Alameda del Dr. Miguel Campoy, Alameda de Dr. José Rodrigo, Alameda del Doctor Martínez Mínguez, Alameda de Margarita Lozano, Alameda de Rafael Méndez, and Alameda Ramón y Cajal.

  Civil Architecture in Lorca

Religious Architecture in Lorca

Museums in Lorca