Holy Week in Lorca transforms this city to the point that it almost becomes Jerusalem. It is a living staging of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
Great majesty
It is a great show in which there is a remembrance of the Roman era: emperors, kings, Romans, and soldiers, among others, who parade in beautiful costumes of the time—very showy, with colors that attract the attention of visitors.
The fabrics used are of high quality and very expensive. Also in evidence is the artistic richness of the embroidery, especially the gold embroidered fabrics, nuanced silks, velvets, and cloaks. In this way, episodes of the Bible are put into scenes.
The creativity and imagination of the locals, and the dynamism with which they undertake the organization of these festivities and their majestic parades, as well as the interest they generate in Spain and other countries, led to being declared of Tourist Interest International.
Curiosity, enthusiasm, and joy are expressed by those who attend this magnificent event. They practically become actors in these experiences, as in many cases they are followers of some of the brotherhoods or steps.
The activities of Holy Week in Lorca are organized around and by the organizations of believers called brotherhoods or steps. These are: Very Illustrious Cabildo de Nuestra Señora la Virgen de la Amargura en la Real and Very Illustrious Order-Archconfraternity of Our Lady of the Rosary (Paso Blanco).
Also present at Holy Week in Lorca are: the Brotherhood of Labradores (Paso Azul); the Archconfraternity of the Holy Christ of Blood (Paso Encarnado); the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness (Paso Morado); the Brotherhood of the Curia (Paso Negro); and the Archconfraternity of Jesus Risen.
Holy Week in Lorca has its antecedent in the birth of these brotherhoods. The origins of the Archconfraternity of Our Lady of the Rosary date back to the 15th century. It is considered the oldest brotherhood of Holy Week in Lorca.
The origins of Paso Azul stem from the Archconfraternity of Vera Cruz and Sangre de Cristo, created in the 16th century. Within this brotherhood, back in 1752, the existence of the so-called Brotherhood of Labradores Lorquinos is already known.
Regarding the Paso Morado Brotherhood, it is said that its beginnings were in the 18th century, when the chapel dedicated to the Holy Christ of Socorro was created in the convent of San Juan de Dios.
Meanwhile, it is said that Paso Negro or La Curia Brotherhood has a more remote origin, in the brotherhood of Our Lady of Sorrows in the year 1725. As for the Archconfraternity of the Risen, its first records are in its constitutions, which date from the year 1764.
Holy Week in Lorca has, as a particular form of cultural-religious beauty, its Passionate Biblical Parades, the representations of the Old Testament, and the symbolism of the Christian religion that they express in their processions.
The traditional processions are carried out through the oldest neighborhoods of the city, which maintain their original characteristics with the lighting of lanterns and the gathering of believers.
They stand out as processions of great Christian symbolism: the Procession of the Curia on the Saturday of Passion; the Penitential Descent of the Holy Christ of Mercy, which takes place on Holy Wednesday, the Procession of Silence, which takes place on Holy Thursday at night; and the Procession of the Risen, which takes place on Easter Sunday.
All these religious activities of Holy Week in Lorca are accompanied by unimaginable beauty.
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