Weather forecast

The weather in Jumilla

Sunday, 3rd of November 5:00 8:00 11:00 14:00 17:00 20:00 23:00
Cloudy Cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy with rain showers Cloudy with rain showers Mostly cloudy with chance of rain showers Mostly cloudy with chance of rain showers Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy
Temperature 12.5°C 13.2°C 17°C 18.9°C 16.6°C 14.6°C 13.8°C
Wind 13 Km/h 15 Km/h 15 Km/h 14 Km/h 14 Km/h 13 Km/h 11 Km/h
Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast East East Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast
Humidity 84% 83% 71% 60% 74% 82% 85%
Monday, 4th of November 2:00 5:00
Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy
Temperature 13.5°C 13.2°C
Wind 7 Km/h 9 Km/h
Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast
Humidity 88% 91%
Tuesday, 5th of November High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
20.9°C Mostly cloudy 20.9°C 12.2°C 7 km/h
Southwest Southwest
77% Sunrise: 7:35
Sunset: 18:03
11:37 - 20:30 Moonrise: 11:37
Moonset: 20:30
Wednesday, 6th of November High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
20°C Partly cloudy 20°C 11.8°C 13 km/h
Northeast Northeast
74% Sunrise: 7:36
Sunset: 18:02
12:30 - 21:31 Moonrise: 12:30
Moonset: 21:31
Thursday, 7th of November High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
19.2°C Partly cloudy 19.2°C 13°C 17 km/h
Northeast Northeast
73% Sunrise: 7:37
Sunset: 18:01
13:17 - 22:37 Moonrise: 13:17
Moonset: 22:37
Friday, 8th of November High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
18.2°C Cloudy with rain showers 18.2°C 12.1°C 8 km/h
Northeast Northeast
81% Sunrise: 7:38
Sunset: 18:00
13:56 - 23:48 Moonrise: 13:56
Moonset: 23:48
Saturday, 9th of November High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
18.6°C Fair 18.6°C 11°C 19 km/h
Northwest Northwest
76% Sunrise: 7:39
Sunset: 17:59
14:29 - ---- Moonrise: 14:29
Moonset: ----
Weather by
The Murcian Altiplano region receives its visitors with a cool climate, presenting temperatures that do not exceed 18°C, with mostly cloudy days and continuous rainfall.

The nights in the Altiplano are partly cloudy with temperatures ranging from 15°C to 16°C. There are light easterly winds at speeds of up to 11 km/h - ideal for those travellers looking for temperate climates and cold days.

Jumilla welcomes its tourists with cool temperatures between 15°C and 19°C. It is common to see cloudy and cold mornings, though in the afternoon the sky is clear.

Note that rains are frequent and sometimes unexpected. The nights in Jumilla are cold, with temperatures not less than 12°C. Occasionally there may be fog, while slight precipitation can occur with winds from the southeast, which can reach speeds of approximately 14 km/h.