Commander Royo's Battery (Cartagena - Murcia)

Commander Royo's Battery (Cartagena)

This battery is also known as Trincabotijas Alta and was built temporarily during the 18th century. Its construction ended in 1907, and its main function was the defence and surveillance of the accesses to the bay.

The Battery of Comandante Royo has eight double “barbetas”. Under its settlements, the ammunition and other spare parts were placed under a concrete vault of Teid lime.

It is located at an altitude of 94 meters above the foot of Mount San Julian. The name of this battery is a tribute to the heroic gunner Don José Royo de Diego, a military man who, for his actions in the 1909 campaign in Melilla, received the decoration of the First Class Cross of the Royal and Military Order of San Fernando.

After the end of the Spanish Civil War, the Comandante Royo Battery was dismantled and became a gunpowder and ammunition depot. Today, five of the original six barbetas remain.

  Defensive buildings

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