Church of Saint Mary of the Sea (Cabo de Palos)

This church is a remarkable work of the Spanish Baroque. Its construction began in the 14th century and lasted until 1751, when its imposing facade was completed. It involved the participation of artists and architects of the stature of Diego Sánchez de Almansa, Francisco and Jacobo Florentino, Jerónimo Quijano, and Jaime Bort.

One of the most admirable parts is its tower, also highlighting in this construction for its beauty the Sacristy and Pre-Sacristy, and the Plateresque-style Stalls.

Since its construction, it has undergone numerous repairs, extensions, and chapel constructions that have given it a particular collection of artistic contrasts.

  Christian Cartagena

Roman Cartagena

Museums in Cartagena

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Cartagena and the sea

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