Weather forecast

The weather in Cartagena

Monday, 13th of January 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Clear Clear Fair Fair
Temperature 10.4°C 13.9°C 13.9°C 11.8°C 9.5°C
Wind 10 Km/h 8 Km/h 9 Km/h 4 Km/h 6 Km/h
Northwest Northwest Northeast Northeast East East East East North North
Humidity 65% 39% 42% 59% 68%
Tuesday, 14th of January 1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear
Temperature 8.9°C 8.4°C 7.9°C 9°C
Wind 10 Km/h 11 Km/h 11 Km/h 13 Km/h
Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest
Humidity 70% 62% 61% 52%
Wednesday, 15th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
14.5°C Fair 14.5°C 6.2°C 11 km/h
Southwest Southwest
49% Sunrise: 8:19
Sunset: 18:07
19:51 - 09:36 Moonrise: 19:51
Moonset: 09:36
Thursday, 16th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
13.8°C Mostly cloudy with rain showers 13.8°C 7.8°C 19 km/h
Northeast Northeast
58% Sunrise: 8:18
Sunset: 18:08
20:55 - 10:05 Moonrise: 20:55
Moonset: 10:05
Friday, 17th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
14.4°C Partly cloudy 14.4°C 8.9°C 22 km/h
Northeast Northeast
57% Sunrise: 8:18
Sunset: 18:09
21:57 - 10:30 Moonrise: 21:57
Moonset: 10:30
Saturday, 18th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
16.1°C Mostly cloudy 16.1°C 9.9°C 32 km/h
Northwest Northwest
62% Sunrise: 8:18
Sunset: 18:10
22:56 - 10:52 Moonrise: 22:56
Moonset: 10:52
Sunday, 19th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
17.1°C Cloudy 17.1°C 9.5°C 10 km/h
Southeast Southeast
67% Sunrise: 8:17
Sunset: 18:11
23:55 - 11:14 Moonrise: 23:55
Moonset: 11:14
Weather by
Cartagena offers mild winters with average temperatures of around 6°C, rarely dropping below 2°C. Summers in Cartagena tend to reach 31°C and are commonly clear and arid.

The cloudiness varies according to the season. At certain times of the year, the sky is covered - generally between September and June, which are the months of the year with the highest incidence of rain. The humidity in Cartagena varies throughout the year, generally reaching its peak in August, when it can reach 82%. The strongest winds are generally felt in April, with gusts that can exceed 15 km/h.

The water temperature at the hottest time of the year is usually around 23ºC, and can even reach 26ºC. During the coldest time, during the winter, the water temperature is below 17°C, and can even reach 13ºC.